Unmasking the Secrets to Foiling Ransomware

- Posted by Author: admin in Category: Cybersecurity |

In recent times, cyberattacks have become increasingly prevalent, targeting various industries and organizations worldwide. Two high-profile incidents involving MGM Resorts and Caesars Entertainment have brought attention to the devastating consequences of ransomware attacks. While these incidents have highlighted the urgency of addressing cybersecurity vulnerabilities, it’s essential to explore effective strategies for avoiding such attacks and minimizing their impact. This article delves into the recent casino hacks, emphasizing the importance of proactive cybersecurity measures such as the 3-2-1-1 backup method and the use of air-gapped LTO tapes to protect against ransomware attacks.

The MGM Resorts and Caesars Entertainment Cyberattacks

MGM Resorts, a renowned casino and hotel company, recently faced widespread system outages and service disruptions following a cyberattack. The incident resulted in sporadic keycard issues, malfunctioning slot machines, out-of-order ATMs, and other difficulties experienced by guests at MGM properties. Simultaneously, Caesars Entertainment disclosed a data breach in which sensitive customer information, including Social Security numbers and driver’s license numbers, was stolen.

The impact of these high-profile incidents cannot be understated. Caesars Entertainment even resorted to paying approximately half of the $30 million demanded by the attackers to prevent the release of stolen customer data. However, it’s crucial to recognize that these incidents are part of a broader pattern of ransomware attacks that continually pose a significant threat to organizations.

The Cycle of Ransomware Attacks

Ransomware attacks, like those targeting casinos, tend to garner immediate attention due to their dramatic nature. However, experts caution against viewing these incidents in isolation. Lesley Carhart, Director of Incident Response at Dragos, points out that attacks on critical infrastructure and healthcare, while less visible, can be equally life-impacting. The human psychology of media attention often prioritizes sensational stories, which may not reflect the most significant cybersecurity threats.

The Perpetrators: Alphv and the Rise of Ruthless Attackers

The MGM Resorts attack was claimed by an affiliate of the ransomware group Alphv, a notorious Russian-based gang also known as BlackCat. This group, like many cybercriminals, has a history of targeting various industries, including healthcare, with the goal of extorting money from victims. Alphv has even resorted to releasing stolen data, including intimate and graphic medical photos, to pressure targets into paying ransoms.

The evolving tactics of cybercriminals have posed challenges to global law enforcement efforts to deter them and prevent victims from paying ransoms. Despite progress in this area, attackers remain relentless in their pursuit of profit, often operating with impunity in countries where they cannot be effectively prosecuted.

The Need for New Strategies

While attacks on high-profile targets bring ransomware into the public eye, they also highlight the inadequacy of current strategies in addressing the issue. Brett Callow, a threat analyst at Emsisoft, stresses that the increasing attention to ransomware may prompt policymakers to explore new strategies. The current levels of ransomware incidents indicate a clear need for more effective measures.

Law enforcement agencies, such as the FBI, have long discouraged victims from paying ransoms. Governments have also imposed sanctions on cybercriminal actors to limit their ability to receive payments. However, it may be time for governments to consider additional limitations on when ransoms and extortion demands can be legally paid, particularly when actors operate with impunity in certain countries.

A Call for Proactive Cybersecurity Measures

While there is no single solution to the ransomware threat, each high-profile incident should serve as an opportunity to educate institutions and legislators about the risks and the necessity of investing in digital defenses proactively. Wendi Whitmore, Senior Vice President of the Threat Intelligence Group at Palo Alto Networks, suggests that these incidents can help organizations learn from past cases and close potential security gaps.

Protecting Against Ransomware with the 3-2-1-1 Backup Method

To bolster cybersecurity and protect against ransomware attacks, organizations can implement the 3-2-1-1 backup method. This approach involves creating multiple copies of essential data, ensuring redundancy, and storing backups securely. Here’s how the 3-2-1-1 backup method works:

  1. Three Copies: Maintain three copies of your data. This includes the original data and two backup copies.
  2. Two Different Media: Store your data on two different types of media to minimize the risk of simultaneous failure. For instance, use both physical storage devices (external hard drives, LTO tapes) and cloud storage.
  3. One Copy Offsite: Keep one copy of your data offsite, away from your primary location. This safeguards your data against physical disasters, such as fires or floods, that could affect your primary data storage.
  4. One Air-Gapped Copy: Implement an air-gapped backup, which is entirely disconnected from the network and inaccessible to cyberattacks. This additional layer of security can protect against ransomware attempts to encrypt or corrupt data.

Utilizing Air-Gapped LTO Tapes for Maximum Protection

Air-gapped backups, especially when using LTO (Linear Tape-Open) tapes, can play a critical role in ransomware protection. LTO tapes are a reliable and secure storage solution that offers several advantages:

  1. Isolation from the Network: LTO tapes are physically separated from the network, making them immune to online attacks. This isolation ensures that your data remains safe and accessible even if your network is compromised.
  2. Long-Term Reliability: LTO tapes have a long shelf life, making them ideal for archiving and preserving data for extended periods. They are resistant to physical wear and tear, ensuring data integrity over time.
  3. Data Encryption: LTO tapes often support hardware-based encryption, adding an extra layer of security to your backups. Encrypted tapes are useless to attackers without the encryption key.
  4. Ease of Scalability: LTO tape libraries can be easily scaled to accommodate growing data storage needs, providing a cost-effective solution for businesses of all sizes.


The recent cyberattacks on MGM Resorts and Caesars Entertainment underscore the persistent threat of ransomware and the need for robust cybersecurity measures. While such high-profile incidents capture public attention, it is essential to remember that ransomware attacks affect a wide range of industries, often with life-altering consequences.

To protect against ransomware and minimize its impact, organizations should adopt proactive strategies like the 3-2-1-1 backup method and utilize air-gapped LTO tapes for secure data storage. These measures can significantly enhance cybersecurity defenses, making it more challenging for attackers to disrupt operations and extort money.

In the face of escalating cyber threats, policymakers, law enforcement agencies, and organizations must work together to develop new strategies and regulations that discourage ransom payments and hold cybercriminals accountable. By learning from past incidents and prioritizing cybersecurity, we can collectively reduce the success rate of ransomware attacks and safeguard our digital world.