Protecting Your Data in the Age of Ransomware

Data through the internet do not contain our flesh or blood but it still has some information about us which is a part of us.
Today modern technology has moved far ahead which is why we must pace up and update ourselves about modern technology to know how will it affect us.
To achieve something, we have to let go of our bad habits which are delaying us to achieve our goal. If we getting the same results and we are not happy with it then maybe, we should change the way we do it. Just because we were doing something for the past several years doesn’t mean that it was right, it could be wrong and the pattern should change.
Sometimes we are not aware of the hints that we are falling in a trip because we have been doing the same pattern for years.
If we are not familiar with something, then how will we even recognize it?
What will happen if we do not keep our data safe?
Earlier people were not much interested in others life. Now, people try to access other peoples’ data to sell to the highest bidder.
Data is created by the general public by sharing information about themselves, companies collect data from users to improve their service and the government also has data regarding their progress in-country in different fields like the meeting with different countries, defense, etc.
It is no secret that large companies have faced cyber-attacks even if though companies take data security very seriously and are very much aware of different breaches and how to avoid them but still they fall prey to these attacks.
If these companies are already facing attack, then the general public who rely on software updates is very much at risk. Now, attackers make the content as close to the original website which a layman can hardly notice.
Most common are when a page says that you have a virus on your device especially on a computer or phone. This is an irony since clicking the link is what makes your device fill with malware.
Earlier, in exchange for data, cyber attackers used to claim amounts through digital payment but now they claim Bitcoin. These are not few amounts because cyber-attackers threaten to sell data to the highest bidder.
How ransomware affects data?
A ransomware attack is a very critical attack for companies. During these attacks, the attackers deny access to the company in return for a payment and return access after the payment has been made. It is not only ransomware that will affect your devices but also several other malware can also get into your computer.
Under ransomware, you can’t access your data.
Since your data can’t access data it won’t be able to function further and therefore, slows down your service.
As the company or any affected user would need to access the data, the ransom amount will dig a hole in the financial area of the company or the user.
Trust is very important to run a business and situation like these are always spread throughout the nation and becomes big news. When this situation comes under the notice of its users and investors they sometimes lose the trust in the company and it takes time to build the reputation again.
It is not only what we are supposed that we need to know but also what we are not to do. If we are not aware of both of them then we might get confused or assume based on what we either we should do or not do.
To be safe we should what to do to improve the situation and what we should avoid doing to make the situation more critical.
What to do to protect your data from ransomware?
Don’t click on unknown links.
Links are not just links but direct access for cyber-attackers to your device. Clicking an unknown link is like you are opening the door of your house for them. These attackers are not polite instead they get inside your device and make themselves comfortable in their way.
Don’t put everything out in the open
The privacy should be maintained as the other person may not have the same intention as you. people out there trying to collect as much information as possible.
Don’t open unknown emails or attachments.
If you are not aware of you have doubts regarding any mail or attachment, try to give more attention to the sender and the address. If in case an attachment has a virus or malicious content, then it will spread through your computer.
Don’t use unknown USB devices.
Sometimes people use other people’s devices. USB devices store viruses. When a USB device is connected to an infected device while transferring data to the USB device, viruses do come along and when the same USB device connects with a different device, the viruses get transferred to the other. So it is best if USB devices are not used by exchanging.
Don’t download from unknown sites.
Instead of downloading music and movies, if you download from some strange website, you may download lots of malicious content. It is better to stick to verified websites.

What not to do to protect your data from ransomware?
Use data encryption.
Once data has been encrypted, the malware doesn’t detect the data very easily. After the data has been encrypted, it gets an encryption key after which it becomes very difficult for a cyber-attacker to access data. This way, data remains secure even in hybrid clouds.
Use Application whitelisting.
This process specifies which applications or files are allowed to run therefore, it stops malware from entering or exiting the network.
Use access control.
This method control who has control over which data. Under this process, particular users have particular access to particular data or folders. Fine-grain access control decides the limit to which the user can access data.
Keep your data backed up.
Data breaches occur as the cyber-attackers first intention is to get access to your data and when attackers get access to your data they shift the entire data to their storage. That is why it is necessary to backup all your data so that even if your data is breached you still have your data with you and there won’t be a delay in your work. This will also work as a recovery plan.
Always see file extensions.
If you see a .exe file or the website starts with HTTP without s at the end, then that is malware.
Use protection software.
Some software provides security for devices which can be phones, laptops, computers, etc. they provide security through various ways like VPN security, internet security, phishing, and many more. This software alerts the users if some websites are trying to use their camera or trying to show notifications or trying to access data from the user without their notice. There are several options available to choose from and also several companies provide protection. It is easy to set up. To set up you can either opt for mail service in which you receive the code in 2 hours or as claimed by the user or the company sends you a code.
It also helps the user to be in full control of their data and avoid accidental access to some unknown website.
Use VPN. Virtual Private Network.
Using VPN will allow the user to have a secure connection to a different network over the internet.
When a device gets connected with public Wi-Fi, one way is providing you internet service, and another way it might also access your data. Devices become more vulnerable when they use public Wi-Fi which is why it is necessary to have a secure VPN service.
Always keep devices up to date with updates.
Do not delay in updating your device. Since cyber-attackers are continuously looking for a loophole or a crack in programs that will help them to breach data through several devices. As devices receive updates, the older versions make the devices vulnerable to viruses and the layer of protection of the devices becomes loose.
Avoid ransomware attacks in the future by taking these common steps:
- Keep your staff updated along with you about recent
- cyber-attacks, types of viruses, malware, etc.
- Beware of these updates yourself as well.
- Panicking during attacks will cost you time which is why one should be prepared for situations and at least know how to stop data breaches as much as possible.
- Be cautious while giving authorizations. Authorized personnel should be trustworthy or should know these circumstances.
- Don’t take any decision while panicking. Calm down and then make a decision.
- Attacks take time which is why the device needs to be checked regularly for threats and malware.
- Get thorough with privacy settings and set them in such a way that you remain in control of what happens to your data so that a random application or website can’t access the microphone, camera or files, etc., anytime they want.