Data Storage Depot: The Cost of Storage Media
I know what you’re probably thinking, who still uses tape as storage media backup? Isn’t everything in the cloud these days? In fact, recent research by Enterprise Strategy Group (ESG) shows that almost half (49%) of surveyed organizations said they currently rely on data tape as part of their main backup system. Countless IT organizations have discovered that modern data tape has speeds, durability, features, and financial considerations that are indisputable.
Economic Advantage of Storage Media
Tape maintains its stance on being substantially less expensive than hard disk storage. LTO tape technology gives organizations the opportunity to considerably decrease cost of ownership, avoiding significant investments, improving operational expenses, and improving user productivity as opposed to disk based storage.
According to storage industry analyst Enterprise Strategy Group (ESG): “ESG’s analysis of a typical large-scale data retention use case yields nearly $13.5M in estimated cost savings over a ten-year time horizon with an additional $400K in incremental user benefit delivered over and above what is expected with disk-based alternative. The result is an impressive 577% return on investment over ten years when accounting both for avoided costs and net new economic improvements.”
LTO-based solutions yield a compelling outcome for organizations struggling to cope with fast-growing data, reliable retention, and budgetary pressures. The selection of the proper storage platform for its requirements can have a significant impact on the financial success of an organization. Data media Tape continues to be the lowest-cost storage media in the industry.
In the past, various industry analysts forecasted the end of tape-based data storage era, but quite the opposite has happened. Contrary to popular belief that tape is an unreliable, slow, and archaic storage technology, LTO tape is thriving and has a promising future in organizations of all sizes. Some of the largest public cloud providers on the planet are using LTO tape media storage.
Data tape offers the best storage options to resolve a number of common IT challenges. Backup data storage and disaster recovery solutions are both required and costly in today’s corporate realm, but tape can significant lower costs.
The amount of data needing to be stored continues to increase while IT budgets remain stagnant. The low cost and high capacity of data tape storage delivers the most effective answer to solve this problem. Data tape also ships more capacity than external hard disk storage.
Benefits like cost, capacity, and reliability have allowed data tape to once again become a preferred method of data storage. Several IT industry experts are confident in that no existing storage technology is more cost-effective, reliable, or energy-efficient for long-term data retention than a tape in a library slot or on a shelf, and it continues to play a key role for organizations across the globe.
We Buy Used Tape is here to help with all of your data tape needs. Since 1965, We Buy Used Tape has been both saving the environment and companies money by setting the standard for secure handling and re purposing of used media equipment. We work with all organizations, from Fortune 1000 companies and government agencies, to small and mid-size businesses. Our customer’s data security is and always has been our number one priority by providing simple solutions to safeguard the destruction of confidential data on all types of storage media. Contact us today and let us help with your next data tape transition or upgrade.
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